League of Legends Is Celebrating 15 Years!
On a day like today, 15 years ago, a game was released that, without anyone knowing or expecting it, would be destined to become one of the most popular and controversial in the industry, forever changing the landscape of esports and popularizing an entire genre, becoming a global phenomenon in itself. And what game are we talking about? None other than League of Legends.
Exactly, you know it, and I know it: when we talk about League of Legends, we’re referring to a f2p MOBA developed and published by Riot Games, which was originally inspired by the custom map Defense of the Ancients from Warcraft III, Blizzard’s legendary and acclaimed fantasy RTS. However, its original concept differs greatly from the product everyone can play today, featuring not only multiple playable maps but also a roster of 168 powerful and versatile playable champions, and a community that has had a life of its own for a long time, becoming one of the key factors in making LoL so controversial over the years.

The Gameplay of a Classic
If we talk about its gameplay, we might describe it as “simple” or “straightforward”: two teams of five players, where each player selects a hero with unique abilities and characteristics, and a map with three “lanes” or paths to reach the enemy team’s base. The heroes of each team, along with their minions, must battle through the different paths the maps offer to access the enemy bases, destroying towers, enemy heroes, and minions along the way. Whoever manages to destroy the last nexus, located in the enemy’s base, will be the winner of the match.
And of course, then comes the depth of the game: leveling up, earning gold, buying gear, and let’s not forget the importance of familiarizing yourself with each individual hero, as each one plays a very specific role within the team. And we’re not just talking about using each one but also learning how to counter them. There’s a jungle with monsters that’s important to control, you need to learn how to set up ambushes, and there are many additional mechanics that are key to securing victory, such as, for example, fluid and constant communication with your team.
Community and Memes
After 15 years of uninterrupted activity, LoL today boasts one of the largest, most active, and controversial communities of active players, who not only play regularly, becoming experts and improving day by day, but most of them have been doing this consistently for over a decade. As a result, entering this “world” as a complete novice can be quite intimidating. But if that’s not a problem, there may be another factor to consider, one that could dampen anyone’s enthusiasm for starting LoL without having played it before. If the vast experience of the game’s veterans didn’t do it already, perhaps the “intimidation” could come from its very community.
Yes, you know what I’m talking about. Currently, the LoL community is considered one of the most toxic in the gaming world, which has obviously inspired countless memes, both from haters and from members of the same community, acknowledging and even flaunting the label for which they are widely known—this same toxicity. In fact, surveys and forum and chat participation of this group have been evaluated, and statistical data has been traced to prove that, beyond the memes, this characteristic of the LoL community is a reality, which, it must be said, doesn’t seem to bother its members in the slightest XD.

Tempered by Fire
Personally, I’m not a LoL person. That said, I must be impartial, and obviously, the reality is undeniable. League of Legends is still here after 15 years of activity, and it will probably still be here for another 15 years, or maybe more. With millions of players every month and tournaments offering prize money that reaches astronomical sums, followed by players or simply curious spectators from around the world, the game has not stopped evolving and improving, adding modes and maps, rebalancing and redesigning champions, enhancing its graphics, adjusting rules, and much more.
Its successful business model, f2p with monetization focused on cosmetics and customizations that only affect the aesthetic aspect, which makes it clear that it is definitely NOT PAY TO WIN, has been another key factor in its longevity over so many years. Literally, a player who doesn’t spend a single dollar on the game can still earn the necessary resources through gameplay to unlock the heroes they’re most interested in, as well as many other things, much like what other f2p online gaming giants have done for years, such as Digital Extremes with its wildly popular Warframe, to name just one.

In fact, the League of Legends brand itself has grown so much over these years that it has expanded beyond its own borders, branching out into other products, from games in other genres like Ruined King: A League of Legends Story (a turn-based RPG) or 2XKO (a fighting game) to the animated series Arcane, one of the most acclaimed animated productions of all time, whose second and final season will premiere next month.
Whether you’re among the millions of LoL players or not, I think a game with such a huge track record, which has managed to stay active far longer than the vast majority, deserves to be mentioned, congratulated, and perhaps taken as an example—at least for its positive aspects, because obviously, it has them! If it didn’t, how could it have stayed alive for so long!?

So, if you’ve made it this far, this is the moment where I ask you to head to the comments section and leave your opinion about this news, or share your best LoL moments—I’m sure you’ve got a story or two to tell! … You know, gamer, we’ll be reading you! 🙂
Images Source: League of Legends Official Website, YouTube